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Latest Edition: Volume V (2022)

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Volume I (2014)

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Volume 1
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The Failure in Scots law to Recognise the Role of Step-parents and Grandparents in a Child’s Life

Is it a Problem that Sex Discrimination Against Men is Prohibited?

Oil and Gas Transportation through Pipelines: Handling the Issue of Private Property in Scots Law

A Light Touch for a Digital Environment: Attempting to Strike and Effective Legislative Balance between Protecting Consumers and Encouraging Growth in E-Commerce

R2P: Does The UN Security Council Have A Legal Obligation To React?

Scotland's Contested Constitution

Practitioner's Point

Volume II (2015)

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Volume 2

The articles of the Strathclyde Law Review's second volume are still being located. Please check back here at a later date.

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Volume III (2017)

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Volume 3
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Prosecution? You HIV got to be kidding me!

Globalisation of plea bargaining: an imperative reform or a compromise of ideals?

Legal philosophical considerations of prostitution: a roadmap to understanding diverse legal approaches to prostitution in Europe

Towers of life - a legal study on rigs-to-reef in the North Sea

Disrespecting socio-economic rights through  tax evasion and avoidance in developing countries

Justifying alcohol Minimum Unit Pricing

Apology as a function of criminal justice

The Edinburgh Alcohol Problem Court

Volume IV (2018)

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Volume 4
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Redefining the public policy exception in the context of punitive damages

Pal's dissent - the Tokyo Trial in retrospect

The rights and wrongs of the psychopath in criminal law: how modern science must reshape old policy

Would the implementation of an alternative consent system for organ donation in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland be beneficial for donation rates whilst simultaneously protecting the needs of donors?

Sheltering the rich or housing the poor? The story of the low income housing tax credit

Music as noise: The application of The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 to musicians 

A genocide by any other name: Cultural genocide in the context of indigenous peoples and the role of international law

On the deceptively obvious persistence of the global political economy: ideology critique in the leftist legal theory

Volume 5

The Transplantation and Legal Implications of Bolton into Scots Law

How Scotland can establish a European Convention on Human Rights Article 2 compliant public inquiry into deaths arising from COVID-19  and further utilise a 'Human Rights Based Approach' to demonstrate global leadership in human rights

Defining War Rape; a Comparative Case Study of Natural and Codified International Criminal Law

Sustainable Corporate Governance in the United Kingdom: What is the Catch?

The Covid-19 Pandemic: To Refoul or Not to Refoul? 

The Margin of Appreciation Doctrine and the European Court of Human Rights: The Inconsistent Application in the Interpretation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and the Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion 

Does R2P constitute an exception to the prohibition of use of force under customary international law?

The Steps Taken by Say-on-Pay towards Shareholder Primacy: An Aglon-Saxon Perspective

Much Ado about Nothing: The curious case of WTO Appellate Body's lack of authority 

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Strathclyde Law Review

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